
Brand Strategy

You will know exactly what your brand rules of engagement need to be.

We do what ever it takes:

  • Market and competitor analysis
  • Target market definition and needs analysis
  • Brand positioning and value proposition
  • Brand narrative
  • New product/service development
  • Brand name development
  • Brand storytelling
  • Brand communication
  • Brand experiences
  • Brand architecture and portfolios

Defining the DNA of brands in a layered and empowering way. Establishing the platform for differentiated Melbourne brand strategies that offer an edge require both a strategic and creative mindset. It is why our process is framed by rigorous methodology and collaborative exploration. Our branding approach is:

1. Feel for Context. Every brand project commences with a review of the context in which the brand lives. Diving into relevant research, reviewing how competitors’ position themselves, understanding consumer trends, and the overriding strategic intent and aspiration of the business. Brand positioning is a relative concept and understanding the competitive landscape is important.

2. Collaborative Exploration & Definition. Our intent is always to provide sufficient brand definition to allow brand managers to make informed and aligned decisions. We create layers of meaning to ensure that everyone has absolute clarity about, and feel for what the brand stands for.

Brand Essence

A statement of the heart and soul of the brand. It is what what everyone should aspire to bring alive by way of an experience. It is ultimately what we wish the brand to be famous for.

Brand Narrative

A description of the aspiration of the brand. It provides a more evocative and richer expression of what the brand essence should add up to. It is an important additional layer of storytelling to assist in creating an understanding of what the brand is about.

Brand Values/Behaviours

The internal compass. A statement of the behaviours organizational players should individually and collectively live everyday on behalf of the brand and those we serve. It is living these behaviours that will make the stated brand essence a reality.

Brand Personality

A statement of the brand’s persona. An expression of the personality the brand would like to project to the world through its communications.

Belief System

A description of the collective mindset – the things the brand’s custodians believe in and about that will be fundamental to shaping the way they interface with the world they operate in.

Brand Voice

The themes about us that we wish to express to the world. It describes what it is about our belief system that we should be actively and passionately be communicating to the world by way of both words and actions.