

No one will die wondering – everyone knows what is required of them.

Brands are the manifestation of the culture driving them. That is why we engage in doing the following:

  • Workshops based in Melbourne and throughout Australia, to inspire stakeholder buy-in
  • Culture Statement – translate brand aspiration into organisational behaviours
  • Organisational purpose – transform brand strategy into inspirational purpose
  • Align business operating model and people management processes
  • Develop creative communications and events that reinforce brand internally
  • Build brand-centric organisational culture
  • Instil brand and organisational accountability

Creating cultures to breathe life into brands. Inspiring and aligning organisational behaviours to make desired brand aspirations a reality.For every organisation definition around their brand is meaningless if their employees do not understand their role in bringing the brand alive, and importantly buy-in to the aspiration of the brand.

For every organisation definition around their brand is meaningless if their employees do not understand their role in bringing the brand alive, and importantly buy-in to the aspiration of the brand.

It is for this reason that we advocate that there should be a process put in place to allow employees to understand the brand’s values, belief system and the defining intent of its brand essence.

The ideal process should always be developed in collaboration with the organisation, but whatever the format that is adopted it should cover off on the following:

1. Workshop the brand definition with all employees or meaningful cross-section sample and have them identify:

  • the sorts of behaviours they would need to demonstrate in their roles to make the brand a reality
  • what they see as the organisational blocks (if any?) to living the brand and the changes they would recommend
  • bench test current operating model of business against desired brand positioning
  • what would the cues or messages they would expect to witness being expressed by the organisation’s leadership team

2. Translate outs into a brand centric ‘Culture Statement’

3. Provide all employees with an appropriately targeted copy of the content of the brand definition for them to have as a reference. Include this also in the induction of new staff

4. Develop other meaningful inspirational brand collateral and events to keep the brand top of mind

5. Reframe key organisational messages or gestures to have a brand orientation eg if there is an employee of the month award that it be reframed to reflect the brand, that quarterly or 6 month staff updates have information about the brand’s performance et

6. Develop a monthly calendar of events that bring alive and celebrate a specific brand value (different value each month) so that the brand is not simply a one day wonder

7. Seek to embed desired culture behaviours into recruitment, induction and performance management processes